The company holds two applications for geothermal exploration permits within the Beetaloo sub-basin (GEP 27830) and Roper Bar (GEP 27829) located south east of the northern territory.

WDR owns 100% of Roper Bar and Mountain Creek Iron Ore Projects, which cover a land area some 40km from the Gulf of Carpentaria in Australia’s north.

WDR said that the assessment work will be undertaken concurrent with exploration drilling on the Roper Bar Project. The planned drilling program has been interrupted due to unseasonably wet conditions which have restricted rig and drilling vehicle movement.

It expects to be moving to site within two weeks with drilling starting in three weeks. There is 25,000mt of RC Drilling planned for this season.

Norm Gardner, managing director of WDR, said: “Western Desert is focused on developing the company’s iron ore assets which are located in one of the most prospective mining provinces in Australia.

“While the projects are located closer to potential customers than some other operating and planned mines, the area is remote and WDR is exploring a number of options to provide electrical power to any future mining operations. The company believes that geothermal energy has the potential to satisfy the power requirements for the operation.”