Under the contract, Veolia Water will design, build and operate the 45,000bpd (barrels per day) treatment facility in San Luis Obispo County.

Veolia Water will provide operations and maintenance services and performance guarantees on a fixed-fee basis to ensure design performance and high-quality recycled water.

The water treatment system will incorporate the company’s OPUS II technology to generate high-quality water.

The treated water will provide 25,000bpd for use as once through steam generation make-up and 20,000bpd for surface water discharge, dewatering the Arroyo Grande reservoir.

The OPUS II technology utilizes Veolia Water’s CeraMem ceramic membranes as pretreatment prior to ion exchange and reverse osmosis.

The company said the treatment process produces treated water that meets state and federal permit requirements, and the dewatering of the reservoir will result in reduction of formation pressure enabling increased crude oil production at the site.