The installation is part of the department’s objective to be complaint with the federal government’s guidelines for federal agencies to improve their environmental, energy and economic performance.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki said that the installation was the right thing to do.
"At VA, we strive to be a leader in promoting energy conservation and reducing our environmental footprint," said Shinseki.
The system collects and reports 3,000 energy data points every 10 seconds and analyzes it in real-time to identify usage patterns, and allow for credible forecasting of potential cost-savings scenarios.
Office of Human Resources and Administration Assistant Secretary John U. Sepúlveda added that the monitoring of energy usage was not only a good idea but also made business sense.
"The initiative has afforded VA central office the opportunity to be the forerunners in process improvements as we identify areas to cut waste and reduce energy consumption," said Sepúlveda.