The water quality permit application included the submittal of a Design Basis Report, which contains a large collection of design details, technical descriptions and equipment specifications.
The company’s comprehensive environmental waste treatment system will treat the waste from Kreider’s dairy operation to substantially reduce nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent, as well as ammonia emitted to the atmosphere.
Jeremy Rowland, chief operations officer of Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. (Bion Environmental), stated, “We are pleased with the manner in which the detailed Design Basis Report came together, leveraging not only the proprietary knowledge of Bion design engineers, but also key engineering design support from our core consulting team members from Primus Builders and RETTEW Associates”
Under Pennsylvania’s nutrient trading program, credits will be earned for nitrogen and phosphorus reductions at the Kreider Dairy Farm that can be sold to offset the discharges of municipal wastewater treatment plants in the region that are required to reduce their discharges under the Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy. Using credits in lieu of costly plant upgrades will result in substantial cost savings to Pennsylvania taxpayers and municipal ratepayers.
Bion Environmental is a US-based provider of solutions to the agriculture and livestock industry.