The report called ‘Electric Two-Wheel Vehicles’, which analyzes the global market for electric bicycles, motorcycles, and scooters, estimates the global sales of electric two-wheel vehicles (E2WVs) to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% through 2016.

The report examines battery technologies, key opportunities and barriers, and drivers of market development. Detailed forecasts through 2016 are included for each vehicle category, along with profiles of key market players.

The study forecasts that while countries in the Asia Pacific region, particularly China, will continue to account for the vast majority of E2WV sales in the next several years, the fastest growth will occur in the Middle East (54% CAGR), Latin America (30%), and North America (24%). Issues of perception and of infrastructure, however, could combine to slow that growth.

While government-funded incentives for E2WVs are becoming more common, the infrastructure required for safe low-speed electric vehicles, such as separate lanes, is often an afterthought for government officials, particularly in developing countries.

Dave Hurst, industry analyst, said: “While electric two-wheel vehicles tend to be a lifestyle choice in North America and much of Western Europe, in the developing world they’re used more as primary means of transportation.”