Tom Fewster, project manager for Solwaybank, said; “Scotland has a very ambitious target of generating 50% of its electricity from renewables by 2020, demonstrating its commitment to renewable energy and the economy. Solwaybank wind farm will make a significant contribution to the target, in addition to bringing benefits on a local level to the economy and the community. After comprehensive monitoring and surveys of the site we are confident that Solwaybank is very well suited to a wind farm.”

In line with RES policy, local firms will be used during the construction period ensuring that commercial benefits will be realised locally. A community fund will also be linked to the wind farm to help support community projects in the surrounding area, and this will be subject to a separate consultation.

The site is in a great location to harness the excellent wind speeds in the area and provide enough clean green power for over 24,500 Scottish households, which is equivalent to 37% of the households in Dumfries and Galloway.