The transmission line will carry electricity from the solar and wind farms in California’s Imperial Valley for SDG&E.
Commenting on the inauguration of the powerlink Sempra Energy CEO Debra L. Reed said that it will not only help regional electric reliability in addition to helping the state meet its renewable energy goals.
"The line will enable the development of new solar and wind projects in the Imperial Valley and eastern San Diego to supply our customers," added Reed.
Construction on the transmission began in December 2010 and the fully energized transmission line was transferred to the state’s transmission grid controller, the California Independent System Operator, in June 2012.
SDG&E is looking to expand its renewable energy portfolio to 33% by 2020 and has signed eight power contracts with wind and solar developers in Imperial Valley with a combined capacity of 1,000MW.
SDG&E’s CEO Jessie J. Knight said, "While the Sunrise Powerlink will serve as a major conduit for renewable energy in the near future as those solar and wind projects are constructed and put into service, this transmission line is providing this region with real benefits right now."