Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Minister Denis Lebel said the government is pleased to launch the next phase of the ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles Program.
"This program will assess the safety and environmental performance of new vehicle technologies to ensure that innovations can be introduced in Canada in a safe and timely manner, " Minister Lebel said.
The five-year, $38m ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles Program will test advanced vehicle technologies to develop safety and environmental regulations, as well as industry codes and standards.
The new Program will expand testing activities to include heavy-duty trucks and a broader range of technologies.
Over the next several years, the automotive industry will introduce a range of innovations to improve vehicle safety and to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations.
The program was funded in Budget 2011 as part of a suite of Clean Transportation Initiatives under the renewal of the Government of Canada’s Clean Air Agenda.