This system detects blockages and imbalances in the flow of pulverized fuel between the coal mills and the burners, enabling plant operators to optimize burner combustion resulting in reduced emissions. It is anticipated that this system will aid in meeting the emissions legislation and regulations associated with the impending new energy and climate bill currently being debated in the US Senate.

In addition to emissions reduction, the system provides information plant operations use to drive efficiency gains by improving heat rate, improving fuel consumption, and reducing maintenance by avoiding burner tube failures caused by increased erosion/corrosion from high radiant heat that can account for millions of dollars in lost production from forced outages, the company said.

Added to its suite of asset protection, environmental and process monitoring systems and services for the power generation industry, Mistras’ coal flow monitoring system can operate in stand-alone mode with local or remote on-line monitoring, providing real time data and early warning alarming. It can also be integrated into the plants existing distributed process control system.