Under the contract, OSyS will help Spanair meet their green aviation goals under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) requirements for reducing carbon footprint, by facilitating the airline’s work required for emissions verification and benchmark reporting, the company said.

Starting in 2012, emissions from all domestic and international flights that arrive or depart from an EU airport, will be covered by the EU ETS.

The OSyS Fuel Management Solution will enable the airline to better manage fuel consumption, optimize fuel efficiency and reduce associated costs, thereby improving overall fuel performance.

Spanair COO Luke Farajallah said that the OSyS solution will provide a better understanding of the complex variables which impact the company’s fuel usage, and this will enable it to make better informed decisions throughout the company and help to maximize its fuel conservation initiatives.

"Achieving maximum efficiency in fuel usage will help us reduce our operating expenses," Farajallah said.