After reopening an inactive area of the Eagle Point mine, a fall of rock was discovered in a tunnel. No groundwater inflow to the mine has been observed in the affected area.

As a precautionary measure, 40 non-essential personnel were removed from the mine and activities were restricted to ensure the safety of mine workers while the condition of the affected area is assessed. There were no injuries and no effect on the environment.

Production mining at Eagle Point has been temporarily suspended while the assessment is completed. The Rabbit Lake mill continues to operate as usual.

The Rabbit Lake operation is expected to meet its 2015 production target of 3.9 million pounds of uranium concentrate (U3O8) by processing ore that was mined previously and transported to the surface.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and Saskatchewan Mines Inspector have been notified. Further information will be provided once the assessment is complete.

Currently about 600 Cameco employees and contractors work at the Rabbit Lake operation.