The Pennsylvania Home Heating Equipment Rebate Program could help as many as 33,000 households to purchase Energy Star-rated, non-electric residential hot water heaters, furnaces and boilers. The $11m program is being funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Rebates will range from $100 to $500, depending on the equipment’s efficiency rating.

Consumers can can reserve a rebate by completing an online application. They can purchase and have a contractor install a qualifying product. However, purchases made before April 21 will not be eligible. Then, the consumers can submit the completed rebate application within 30 days of the reservation date.

Resource Solutions Group, the company selected through a competitive bid process to manage the program – will mail rebate checks directly to consumers.

Governor Rendell added that by increasing the demand for heating equipment and related installation work, the rebate program will create jobs.

Governor Rendell, said: “Heating and water heating account for more than half of a typical household’s energy consumption. By offering an incentive to make those two aspects more efficient, we are making the biggest impact possible on reducing energy use, which will translate into a greater financial savings for the consumer.

“A more efficient home reduces energy use, which saves money, helps make our environment cleaner, and helps stimulate the economy by creating work for manufacturers and installers.”