The four separate patent applications are related to technologies associated with the AuraCoal process. The first patent is for a slurry particle breakage device, the second for a centrifuge device, the third for a jig and the final patent relates to the preparation method of ultra lower ash coal-water slurry.

The AuraCoal process is designed to remove sulfur and ash from the coal pre-combustion process, which helps eliminate harmful emissions. The proprietary clean coal technology produces a coal water mixture that contains only trace amounts of sulfur and ash and constitutes an alternative to oil or natural gas. The AuraCoal technology will be utilized in multiple applications, including industrial boilers, power plants, and iron and steel mills, the company said.

Philip Liu, CEO of AuraSource, said: “We are extending patent protection on our proprietary technologies with the filing of these patent applications in China. These filings relate to four essential elements in its system for reducing ash and other particulates from coal in our AuraCoal process. China is a member of PCT, the Patent Cooperation Treaty. AuraSource will file PCT applications with selective countries.”