TVA will purchase the wind energy from Portland, Oregon-based Iberdrola Renewables as part of its effort to add 2,000MW of new renewable or clean energy resources to the TVA generating system.

Van Wardlaw, executive vice president of TVA, said: “Wind power is a clean and limitless source of energy that directly enhances TVA’s mission of environmental stewardship. When we look at all the options for renewable sources, it makes sense for TVA to invest in wind energy.”

Martin Mugica, executive vice president of Iberdrola Renewables, said: “Iberdrola Renewables is thrilled to welcome TVA to our growing list of customers and to supply TVA from our newest Illinois wind farm. We look forward to working on bringing even more clean, renewable energy online for this important new customer.”

The 300MW Streator Cayuga ridge south wind farm in Livingston County, Illinois, is expected to be placed in service in the spring of 2010.

Iberdrola Renewables has a portfolio of nearly 3,500MW of wind power currently in operation across the US with additional projects in construction. The company is part of Iberdrola Renovables, a provider of wind power with more than 10,000MW of wind power in operation.