In 2008, Orscheln held its first battery exchange program and gained good response. Orscheln has collected more than 100,000 units or 3,700,000 pounds of batteries that will be recycled into new batteries.
Dwaine Skopec, Orscheln buyer, says, “By recycling the lead and plastic from the junk batteries, we are not only helping to protect the environment, but helping to keep the costs down on new batteries sold to our customers.
Orscheln’s battery supplier uses 100% of the scrap battery and nothing is turned into a hazardous waste site. The lead and plastic are utilized in making of new batteries. The battery acid has the heavy metals removed and is utilized in new batteries. The air from smelter is cleaned through bag houses and scrubbed with water. Ammonia is then added, producing fertilizer, which is utilized on farms.