The Group will invest in the construction of the Ju County Waste-to-energy Project ("Ju County Project"). Ju County Project will be constructed on a BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) basis with a concession period of 30 years. It has a designed daily household waste processing capacity of 800 tonnes, and will be constructed in two phases.

Phase I of the project has a daily household waste processing capacity of 500 tonnes, with a total investment of approximately RMB285 million. Gas emissions will fully comply with the Euro 2000 Standard and it is expected to generate approximately 50,000,000 kWh of green electricity annually.

Mr.Mr. Chen Xiaoping, CEO of Everbright International, said, "Ju County Project Phase I is the 10th waste-to-energy project secured by Everbright International in Shandong Province. It brings the total designed daily household waste processing capacity of the Group’s waste-to-energy projects in Shandong Province to 7,800 tonnes, among which, 3 are in operation.

As for environmental water, the total designed daily treatment capacity of the waste water treatment projects in Shandong Province invested by China Everbright Water Limited, a subsidiary of Everbright International, has exceeded 1,800,000 m3, representing 20% of the province’s total waste water treatment volume."

Mr. Chen continued, "The signing of this waste-to-energy project follows the securing of Ju County Waste Water Treatment Project in May this year. This reflects the Ju County Government’s recognition of Everbright International’s outstanding achievements in environmental protection. The Group aims to build Ju County Project as a pilot project of first-class quality and of the highest standards, maximizing its economic and social benefits to contribute to the protection of Ju County’s environment."