Total operating performance increased to EUR112.5 million (previous year: EUR58.6 million)

Positive effect on results by sale of SSP Technology A/S

In comparison with the previous year, the total operating performance in the group according to IFRS accountancy was increased by around 92.0% to EUR112.5 million. At the same time, turnover increased to EUR74.6 million (previous year: EUR50.1 million). Thus, Plambeck fulfilled its forecasts for the 2008 fiscal year and achieved the best EBIT showing in the company’s history. The foundation of this successful development was formed by the sale of the shares in the Danish rotor blade developer SSP Technology A/S.

Martin Billhardt, chairman of the board of Plambeck, said: In the fiscal year of 2008, we were able to achieve important progress. We have consistently aligned the company to projecting wind-farms – onshore and offshore, in Germany and abroad. At the same time, we have also achieved the best showing financially in the company’s history. For the future, the Chairman of the Board is therefore confident: We are moving on a growth market which is comparatively independent of the economy. Wind power will play a key role in energy supplies in the future, both nationally and also internationally.