
TenneT, which has activities in the Netherlands and Germany, invested €2.3bn in both the countries’ grids in 2014.

By 2023, TenneT plans to grid-connect 3.45GW of Dutch offshore wind energy under an agreement reached with the country’s government in 2014.

By 2019, TenneT intends to build 7.1GW of connections for German wind farms, which it says will easily meet the government’s offshore wind target of 6.5GW by 2020.

The TSO is involved in the COBRAcable and NordLink European interconnector projects. The investment decisions have already taken for both the interconnectors and TenneT is expanding the cross-border capacity between the Netherlands and Germany at two locations.

TenneT CFO Otto Jager said: "TenneT is financially well-equipped to tackle the next ten years. However, a point of attention remains. The rapid changes in the energy sector, as well as the energy transition and the associated extensive investment programme, require a robust regulatory regime for TenneT.

"Such a regime should strike the right balance between security of supply and an acceptable cost level. In order to maintain the high reliability level of our grid, investments must be supported by appropriate tariff structures, as is currently the case in Germany."

Image: TenneT is involved in the COBRAcable and NordLink European interconnector projects. Photo: Courtesy of a454/