
The offshore platform of the BorWin2 grid connection is located about 100km off the German coast, northwest of the island of Borkum.

TenneT TSO managing board member Lex Hartman said: "The BorWin2 link is a major contribution to the energy transition.

"The connection’s capacity of 800 megawatts is equivalent to the capacity required for supplying one million private households."

The 80-turbine Global Tech 1 wind farm is connected to BorWin2 and 50% of its capacity is available for connection of a second wind farm.

In summer 2010, a consortium of Siemens and Prysmian secured a contract from TenneT for the BorWin2 offshore grid connection.

Siemens used high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology, deployed both on the offshore platform and in the land-based converter station in Diele, East Frisia, to bring the wind-generated energy to land.

Siemens is also undertaking five North Sea grid connection projects for TenneT.

The next three, namely 864MW Sylwin 1, 576MW HelWin 1 and 690MW HelWin 2, are close to completion and are expected to start commercial operations in the first six months of 2015.

The fifth one, 900MW BorWin 3, is expected to become operational in 2019.

The grid connections will have a total transmission capacity of over 3.8GW, generating enough energy for five million homes.

Image: Siemens installed the offshore platform for the BorWin2 grid connection at sea in April 2014. Photo: Courtesy of Siemens.