
The power purchase agreements are offered under the province’s feed-in tariff program version 3.

FiT 3 projects are generally those with a capacity of over 10kW to 500kW.

The list of projects includes 490 solar photovoltaic, eight bio-energy, one wind and one waterpower proposal.

Of the total projects, 257 have aboriginal participation, 161 are with municipal or public sector entity participation and 81 projects have community participation.

The OPA said over 95% of the successful applications had received municipal council support resolutions.

The authority is also ready to offer 63 contracts to applicants who applied to the unconstructed rooftop solar pilot, which had a separate procurement target of about 15MW.

The contracts are expected to result in enough renewable energy to power about 15,000 homes in the region.

As announced in Ontario’s long-term energy plan, the FiT program will have an annual procurement target of 150MW between 2013 and 2018.

Ontario’s FIT Program is claimed to be North America’s first guaranteed pricing structure for renewable electricity production.

It features standardized program rules, prices and contracts for the parties that are interested in developing a qualifying renewable energy project.

Image: The list of projects includes 490 solar photovoltaic, eight bio-energy, one wind and one waterpower proposal. Photo: Courtesy of Anusorn P nachol/