Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC) as joined forces with global tidal turbine manufacturers, Schottel Hydro GmbH and Tocardo Tidal Turbines for a 30MW project off the Isle of Wight.

The tidal energy project, having achieved all key project consents earlier this year and with a signed grid connection offer, is now a step further towards delivery with full operations to commence from 2020.

It will allow long-term operation of Schottel Hydro and Tocardo turbine arrays, simultaneously optimising their performance and delivering reliable electricity to the grid, PTEC saids in a statement.

 “This is a major milestone for the project, which is of strategic importance to the UK’s tidal industry and will accelerate the growth of the sector as well as enable a continued cost reduction path for future tidal stream projects. Working with world leading and state-of-the-art turbine manufacturers under our unique project structure will be the key to our success,” commented Project Director, Mark Francis. “We are currently working with Schottel Hydro and Tocardo to identify the optimal site layout and designs, taking into consideration the outputs of our Environmental Impact Assessment and consented envelope. These decisions will be finalised in due course, with onshore construction scheduled to begin next year.”