Syracuse VA Medical Center; Owens Corning’s Delmar insulation plant in Feura Bush; and Harbec Inc.’s plastics manufacturing facility in Ontario all will benefit from the low-emission Capstone turbines while reducing their cost of operations.

Syracuse VA Medical Center, Syracuse, New York

The Syracuse VA Medical Center is installing eight natural gas-fueled C65-ICHP Capstone turbines and a FlexSet distributed generation control system that provides individual control and performance measurements of the system. To make the best use of space at the 398-bed hospital, the on-site power generation system will be installed on the medical center’s roof with the lightweight, low-noise and near-zero vibration turbines. In addition to operational cost savings, the system will reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions by approximately 1,580 tons/year, the equivalent of removing 300 passenger vehicles.

Owens Corning Delmar insulation plant, Feura Bush, New York

Owens Corning’s Delmar insulation plant is installing three natural gas-fueled C65-ICHP Capstone turbines, which will replace a large, oil-fueled heater in the facility. In addition to operational cost savings, the system will reduce GHG emissions by approximately 360 tons/year, the equivalent of removing over 65 passenger vehicles.

Harbec Inc., Ontario, New York

Harbec Inc., one of the world’s most environmentally friendly manufacturers, is installing eight natural gas-fueled C65-ICHP Capstone turbines and a FlexSet distributed generation control system to its sustainable operations. A Thermax ED-10C absorption chiller is integrated into the system to supply cooling in addition to the heating and power of the system. In addition to operational cost savings, the system will reduce GHG emissions by approximately 1,110 tons/year, the equivalent to removing over 210 passenger vehicles. The project was funded, in part, with NYSERDA incentives.