Table 1 Changes in average annual and seasonal flows observed in representative catchments over the period 2021–2050 compared with 1980–2009 (after Hänggi et al. 2011)
Runoff regime group
Runoff, winter half-year
Runoff, summer half-year
Runoff, annual
Ice-fed regimes
+20% to +30%
+1% to +15%
+5% to +15%
Snow-fed regimes
+6% to +17%
-15% to -4%
-3% to +4%
Rain-fed regimes on the northern slopes of the Alps
+2% to +5%
-8% to -2%
0% to +5%
Regimes on the southern slopes of the Alps
-5% to +16%
-11% to -2%
-4% to +6%
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