BC Hydro’s Site C hydroelectric project has taken a major step forward with news that Federal and provincial regulators in Canada have granted environmental approval to the project.
The regulators said the 1100MW project was in the public interest and that its benefits outweigh any potential impacts. They granted an environmental certificate with 77 conditions that BC Hydro must meet to build and operate the facility, including measures to protect wildlife and Aboriginal cultural resources.
"This is a significant milestone for the Site C project. After a rigorous environmental assessment process, the project has received environmental approval," said Susan Yurkovich, BC Hydro’s Executive Vice-President responsible for the Site C project.
The project still requires a final investment decision by the Province and regulatory permits and authorizations before it can proceed to construction. Subject to approvals, Site C would be a source of clean, renewable and cost-effective electricity in British Columbia for more than 100 years.