The Warro-5 and Warro-6 wells aim to explore the potential 8-10 trillion cubic feet of gas (TCF) resources in Warro, which is said to be the country’s largest undeveloped onshore gas field.

Transerv executive director Stephen Keenihan said: "This huge resource is located right next to key pipelines and on the edge of the biggest gas market in the country."

Being fully funded by Alcoa, the two wells are planned to be drilled to a total depth of approximately 13,943ft rotary table (RT).

The company said that the two impending wells will establish the ability to flow gas at commercial rates while avoiding the water issues taht were related to Warro-3 and 4 wells.

US tight gas expert Dr Keith Shanley suggested in a 2012 review that the new wells must be drilled in areas without deep-seated, old faults in order to reduce the water flow.

The Warro-5 and Warro-6 wells locations were selected considering these findings.

"Now we are aiming to tick the last box by demonstrating that the gas can flow without the water issues by moving away from the deep-seated fault structures.

"The Shanley review found that this was likely to be achievable. If the impending drilling program shows this is correct, Transerv will be poised to become a major player in the WA gas market," Keenihan added.