Details of Drilling at Curraghinalt

Final results are being reported for twenty-five drill holes located in the central part of the Curraghinalt deposit. These holes were drilled at varying intervals towards the south, with the majority of holes targeting the T-17, No. 1, V-75, Bend and Crow veins.

Holes 15-CT-218 and -219 were drilled from underground, while the remaining 23 holes in this release were drilled from surface.

These 25 drill holes represent 5,766 m of the 21,000 m drilling program, with results for the remaining drill holes to be released as they are received, compiled and interpreted.

The purpose of the infill program is to convert resource ounces from the inferred to indicated category, in support of a pre-feasibility study currently underway. The drill program covers only 45% of the 1.7 km strike length of the current Curraghinalt resource and to a depth of approximately 400 m from surface.

The mineralized veins and zones intercepted by these drill holes correlate with the current vein wireframes, and confirm their high-grade nature.