"Turboatom" over 30 years is the main supplier of equipment for Paks. Under NPP Paks specialist Dula Pasti: "We have long time cooperation with "Turboatom" therefore we decided to entrust new modernization of turbines just to Kharkiv enterprise. Therewith this explains by the reason that all manufacturing and design right belongs to "Turboatom" and under Law of our country such conditions allows do not carry out tender but work with Kharkiv directly" emphasized he.

Under contract PJSC "Turboatom" will implement modernization of eight turbines ?-220-44 with rated capacity 220 MW at all four Units NPP Paks. As result will be reached growth of capacity and increase life-time of turbines, overhaul life will increase from four up to six years.

"This is a pilot project over which our specialists worked during five years. One of its main innovations is seven-stages instead of existing six-stages setting of High Pressure Cylinders" told Chief Designer of Steam Turbines Victor Shvetsov. "Installation of equipment will be implemented on existing foundation without change of building structures. At every turbine will be changed in full: casing and carriers of end seals, diaphragm carriers, new seven diaphragms and High Pressure Rotor will be installed".

Term of equipment delivery – 2016-2018.

Besides of designing, manufacture and supply "Turboatom" will implement supervision of erection, field supervision and participate in guarantee tests before and after rehabilitation.

At this stage designed and transferred to manufacture all main workpieces of turbine.

In frames of cooperation with Paks PJSC "Turboatom" signed one more contract for supply of twelve rows of turbine blades for Unit No 2 NPP Paks.

As informed Head of Department of Operation Support of Turbines Vladimir Kravchenko to prolong life-time of NPP Units "Turboatom" will implement works on blades re-equipment for fifth stage of Low Pressure Rotor. "Under contract enterprise will manufacture and supply twelve rows of blades with length 1030 mm, including 8 rows of spare". Terms of equipment delivery March, June 2016. For today four rows are under work.

As emphasized General Director PJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subotin these contracts are very important for enterprise. "We signed big international contract with our partner of many years, NPP Paks, which opens further prospects at European Power Market. This is a workload of plant manufacturing capabilities and a big work, which we will do, certainly".