The Oil and Gas Technology Forum (OGTF) is an exclusive, invitation-only event that each year helps senior executives from the oil and gas community to forge strong and lasting business relationships, and share best practice and knowledge on the very latest issues affecting the industry.
OGTF creates an environment where senior-level executives can meet with one another privately, network at planned drinks and dinner receptions, and share knowledge during a thoroughly researched educational programme, masterclasses and interactive presentations.
During three days of OGTF, executives can accomplish far more than weeks and months spent building relationships over email and the telephone. A total of 84% of people surveyed by Forbes Insights revealed that they prefer in-person to technology-enabled meetings, proving that OGTF offers businesses the opportunity to get more done in less time.
The event
An exclusive invitation to OGTF will consist of a schedule of one-to-one business meetings, pre-defined networking opportunities and a comprehensive conference programme that covers all of the latest issues and challenges facing the industry.
At OGTF, attendees have the opportunity to meet with senior-level attendees who have been carefully selected for the event based on their decision-making and budgetary level within their organisations. Prior to OGTF, each attendee will outline their areas of interest and current needs, and have the opportunity to make a prioritised list of those companies and attendees they wish to meet; the sophisticated meetings database will then create the best possible selection of meetings for you.
The educational programme
With the help of a carefully selected advisory board, the seminar programme will feature keynote presentations, case studies, masterclasses and interactive roundtable sessions covering the latest issues affecting the industry, supported by industry experts, and internationally recognised organisations and associations.
Attendees will have the opportunity to share their experiences and best practice with other senior decision-makers, take away ideas on how to develop international partnerships, and discover innovative ways to save time, lower costs and explore different strategic approaches.
For more information on how to engage with the leading oil and gas event in the industry, please contact Simon Gibbs – simon.gibbs@arena-international.com.