-ARC Nuclear Canada, Inc (ARC Canada) announced today that it has successfully completed the first phase of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Vendor Design Review (VDR). The phase 1 assessment provides detailed feedback about the vendor’s understanding of the CNSC’s requirements for a nuclear power plant in Canada but does not certify the design or licence the reactor.

In the case of ARC Canada’s technology, the ARC-100 advanced small modular reactor (SMR), the CNSC has determined that ARC Canada understands, and has interpreted correctly, the intent of regulatory requirements. Any question or comment is foreseen to be resolvable and will be addressed in future engagement with the CNSC.

This represents a major milestone in ARC Canada’s vision to manufacture an inherently safe, low cost, reliable and emission free technology for the Canadian and worldwide markets. ARC Canada’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Norman JD Sawyer said, “This achievement demonstrates to potential clients like New Brunswick, other Canadian Provinces and global markets, that we are truly a leader in SMR technology for the ever-growing energy sector. We believe that our technology, with its prototype proven and its performance documented by over three decades of successful operation, will make a major contribution to the world’s growing demand for safe, low-cost, clean and reliable energy. We believe that ARC Canada’s ability to provide Canada’s regulatory body with data that comes from decades of operating experience is a key attribute that sets the ARC-100 design apart from its competitors.”

“Intermittent renewables such as wind and solar have an important role to play in achieving the carbon reduction standards in the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said Mr. Sawyer. “Our technology with its inherent load-following capability can assure a steady flow of energy to assist the variable renewables in meeting global energy requirements. We expect our hospitals, our schools, our homes and our businesses to have constant access to energy, not just when the wind blows, or the sun shines.”

ARC Canada is proud to make its home in the beautiful province of New Brunswick and will celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of its headquarters in Saint John on October 2nd. Mr. Sawyer observes that “as a New Brunswicker, I see a tremendous opportunity for our manufacturing sector, academia and workforce as we build a sustainable supply chain that will export the ARC-100 technology. With a timely and positive decision by the government of New Brunswick regarding a demonstration unit at the Point Lepreau site, the opportunity could become a reality.”