Iberdrola’s El Escudo wind farm in Spain is set to become the world’s pioneering project in utilising Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology during its construction. This innovative approach aims to provide rigorous oversight and ensure compliance with environmental and heritage preservation standards at every stage of the process.
This initiative marks its debut in the wind power sector at the El Escudo wind farm, although BIM methodology has previously been employed in the construction of buildings, public infrastructure, and other civil works projects worldwide. INGECID, a Cantabrian engineering company that originated as a spin-off from the University of Cantabria, has already successfully applied BIM in various exceptional installations across Europe and Spain.
The BIM methodology is a significant enhancement to any construction process, as it consolidates all the data from various specialists involved in a project within a dedicated software. This empowers the creation of a reliable 3D model for the Escudo Wind Farm, proactively identifying potential issues or discrepancies within this intricate project.
Beyond just previewing a digital twin of the future physical structure, BIM processes and interconnects vast amounts of information, encompassing tens of thousands of documents. This streamlined approach enhances professionals’ overall experience by improving information management.
Consequently, the adoption of BIM methodology ensures a step-by-step support system, from initial concept to actual execution, mitigating errors, cost savings, and time efficiency. In essence, it facilitates a seamless construction process while rigorously adhering to established measures to minimise environmental impact.
This strategic adoption of BIM reflects Biocantaber’s commitment to equipping the El Escudo wind farm with cutting-edge technology, akin to the selection of modern, high-capacity wind turbines. These turbines are poised to generate more energy while requiring fewer units and reducing land footprint.
Biocantaber has undertaken a comprehensive approach to ensure that the Escudo Wind Farm project sets an example of sustainable development. The facility’s design is focused on an annual energy production of 453,600MWh, which will supply power to approximately 49,000 homes. Additionally, this will prevent the emission of 113,400 tonnes of CO2 annually, equivalent to the photosynthesis of approximately 5.5 million trees.
Moreover, to minimize its environmental impact, the project goes beyond mere regulatory compliance. It selects layout alternatives for internal roads that involve minimal earthworks, taking advantage of the existing topography and roads while carefully situating the various elements.
The economic impact of this project is estimated to be around one million euros per year, including contributions to social measures, taxes, and royalties in the municipalities where it is located.