The parties discussed issues related to enhancing their strategic cooperation in light of the start-up of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. It was noted that the project is creating additional opportunities for the acceleration of socio-economic development in the Amur Region, primarily through gas grid expansion.
This year, the Company completed the construction of a pipeline branch with a gas distribution station (GDS) to the town of Tsiolkovsky. Both facilities are being prepared for commissioning. Efforts are underway to build an inter-settlement gas pipeline stretching from the GDS in order to supply gas to a boiler house in Tsiolkovsky and to the facilities of the Vostochny Cosmodrome. Design work is finished for a pipeline branch, a GDS and an inter-settlement gas pipeline towards the town of Svobodny. The Company will start building these facilities as soon as it receives positive conclusions as a result of state expert review.
Gazprom developed a draft Program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion in the region until 2026. The document envisages bringing gas to 38,000 households and 33 boiler houses. The draft Program is pending approval by the Government of the Amur Region.
The parties paid particular attention to the development of the employment market. Specifically, the construction project for the Amur Gas Processing Plant, one of the world’s largest gas processing facilities, which is currently being implemented by Gazprom, will help create about 3,000 permanent jobs. The first start-up complex of the facility is expected to come onstream in 2021.