Whitehaven Coal announced that an environmental court in New South Wales has dismissed the legal proceedings against the state’s consent for the Narrabri Stage 3 extension project.
In April last year, the Australian coal miner secured the State Significant Development Consent from the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC), which would extend the life of the Narrabri mine to 2044.
The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO), on behalf of the Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action, has commenced the proceedings with the NSW Land and Environment Court.
The EDO proceedings sought to invalidate the consent granted for the expansion of the Narrabri project, on the grounds of hazards linked to climate change.
Whitehaven argued that the legal claim has no merit, as the IPC has carried out a complete evaluation of the Narrabri expansion project, including matters related to climate change.
Whitehaven in its statement said: “High-quality thermal coal has an important role to play in providing energy security during the decarbonisation transition.
“Whitehaven notes Federal EPBC approval is required prior to project commencement and this process is ongoing.”
The Environment Council of Central Queensland, an environmental group which is represented by a pro bono law firm, has commenced legal proceedings in the Federal Court, which is expected to be heard in September.
The group is challenging the Federal Environment Minister’s decision that the Narrabri Stage 3 Underground Mine would not be a substantial cause of the physical effects of climate change on World Heritage properties and other matters of national environmental significance.