Abengoa has been selected by Arauco for the construction of a transmission project in the Andean County in Chile.
As part of the contract, Abengoa will build two substations and a 220kV transmission line to connect a generation plant from biomass owned by Arauco to the National Electric System (Sistema Electrico Nacional-SEN) through the Lagunillas substation, property of Transelec, a Chilean transmission company.
These two works are part of the Modernization and Expansion of the Arauco Plant project (called MAPA – Modernizacion y Ampliacion de la Planta Arauco). They include the expansion of two plants owned by Arauco, where one is cellulose and the other is biomass-based electricity generation plant.
Abengoa claims that the contracts exemplify its position as a leading company in the construction of transmission lines and substations. The company has a record of building more than 3,000km of 23-500kV lines and constructing more than 40 substations in the country and more than 27,000km on lines and 330 substations built worldwide, in last 15 years.
Few days ago, Abengoa completed a transmission project awarded by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) of Mexico. The project included the development of four transmission lines and two substations and it was valued at $17.3m.
As part of the contract, Abengoa was given the responsibility of engineering, design, construction and commissioning of four lines of 230kV, with a total length of 21.1km along with two 230kV substations with high-voltage feeders.
The transmission line will be used for transmitting the energy generated from the combined cycle Norte III, located in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, in which Abengoa disinvested in 2017.
And, in March, the company secured an order to build a high voltage power line for Ingener Arg, a company developing a wind farm in Argentina.
For the contract, Abengoa agreed to construct a 132kV high voltage power line and it will be responsible for procuring all the resources, materials and equipment needed to build the 132kV simple ternary line, the sectioning of an existing 132kV and deploying an optical fiber by an ADSS cable.