Green Power is an energy supplier for 38 Georgia Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs). The solar plants are expected to come online by 2021. The solar plants will include utility scale, single-axis tracking solar arrays distributed four locations in middle and South Georgia. Permission for the selected sites is still pending from the local government entities.

When completed in 2021, the four solar plants will generate enough clean electricity which can be supplied to about 35,000 households.

The additional 194MW in the state will add to the recently announced 200MW solar procurement, which will more than double the current renewable energy capacity received by Georgia-based cooperatives.

EMCs’ 2018 solar power portfolio of 245MW will jump to about 639MW when construction will be completed in 2021.

As per the agreement, Silicon Ranch will own and operate the solar facilities and Green Power EMC will purchase the energy produced over a 30 year period on behalf of 30 electric cooperative members. Construction is expected to begin later this year.

Green Power EMC president Jeff Pratt said: “We are excited about this opportunity to help Georgia electric cooperatives grow their portfolio of renewable energy.  The jobs and investment created by these cost-effective projects will provide long term economic benefits to rural Georgia communities.

“At the same time, more solar energy in our EMCs’ energy mix will have a positive environmental impact well into the future.”

Silicon Ranch president and CEO Matt Kisber said: “All of us at Silicon Ranch commend the participating EMCs of Georgia for their forward-thinking, customer focused approach to serving their members and communities.

“The decision to expand the availability of clean, renewable energy throughout Georgia adds to the strength of our meaningful relationship with Green Power EMC.”