With the contract, E.ON transitions to second generation smart metering technology for excelling customer service and grid efficiency.

Landis+Gyr’s solution for E.ON’s smart metering rollout will include one million smart electricity meters with NB-IoT/M1 communication technology and a Head End System on a Gridstream Connect platform. The work to replace the existing smart metering infrastructure will begin in July.  With this latest technology, E.ON will be able to increase transparency and control in their distribution grid and enhance their customers’ experience through reliable and precise data. As an IoT platform, Gridstream Connect enables the introduction of extended applications and further services in the future.

Sweden is one of the European front runners in the use of advanced energy technology, with its first nationwide installation of smart meters dating back to 2009. Today, the country is taking a key next step – replacing all 5.4 million metering points with the latest technology. This modernization will further empower end consumers to improve efficiency of their energy usage and is critical for the enhancement of smart grids to manage large-scale integration of renewable energy and use of e-vehicles.

Susanne Seitz, Executive Vice President of Landis+Gyr’s EMEA region: “As European countries move into the second wave of smart meter rollouts, we see utilities rely on Landis+Gyr as their trusted technology partner. Having supplied E.ON Sweden in the country’s first smart meter deployment more than a decade ago, we are excited to continue our partnership and now provide them with our latest end-to-end offering including our Gridstream solution platform.”

Robert Tretinjak, Head of Next Generation Smart Metering at E.ON Energy Networks: “We are looking forward to the new technology by Landis+Gyr, which will clearly result in improvements. For one, the meters are designed to manage renewable energy production from, for example, solar energy. In addition, our customers will be able to monitor the production and consumption of electricity on a close to real time basis.”

Source: Company Press Release