Under the contracts, SBM Offshore will carry out front end engineering and design (FEED) work for the Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) for Liza development located in the Stabroek block in Guyana.

The firm will also construct, install and then lease and operate the FPSO for Liza field.

The work, however, is subject to completion of FEED as well as government approvals, project sanction and an authorization to proceed with the next phase.

SBM will operate the FPSO for a period of up to two years, after which it will transfer the ownership and operation to Exxon.

The second Liza FPSO design is based on SBM Offshore’s industry Fast4WardTM program. It will have a production capacity of 220,000 barrels of oil per day with associated gas treatment capacity of 400 million cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of 250,000 barrels per day.

SBM Offshore CEO Bruno Chabas said: “We are pleased to report that ExxonMobil has selected SBM Offshore to award contracts for the second Liza FPSO, starting with the front-end engineering, for the development of the second phase of the world-class deep water development in Guyana.

“The successful team work with our client ExxonMobil on the FPSO Liza Destiny project provided a solid foundation for this award.

“This project will be adding further traction to SBM Offshore’s Fast4WardTM program as its design is incorporating our multi-purpose hull and a number of standardized modules.”

Capable of mooring in water depth of about 1,600m, the FPSO will have capacity to store around 2 million barrels of crude oil.

SBM said that it is seeking options to maximize local content for the operating phase of both Liza FPSOs.

EEPGL is the operator of the Stabroek block while other partners include Hess Guyana Exploration and CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana.