As per their contracts, the two companies will provide a variety of specialized services associated with the fabrication and installation of a meteorological tower for the offshore wind project. The meteorological tower will be used for monitoring environment activity.
The Maryland offshore wind farm, which will be built with an investment of $1.4bn, will feature 32 wind turbines installed in 20-30m of water. It is located about 27km from the coast of Ocean City in Maryland.
SCC, under its contract, will be responsible for providing welding services for the installation of the meteorological tower, an intricate steel lattice construction. The meteorological tower will be equipped with sensors at the top of its structure to gather information about the environment, including wind speed and direction, air temperature, and other environmental factors.
On the other hand, MAPC has been selected for the procurement and installation of instrumentation and power equipment for the meteorological tower. In this connection the research and development company will procure and install sensors on the steel lattice meteorological tower.
US Wind will use the data gathered through the meteorological tower for executing the final design and also for financing and performance warranty of the offshore wind farm.
Anticipated to be commissioned in early 2021, the Maryland offshore wind farm will generate enough energy to meet the power consumption needs of around 76,000 Maryland homes.
The offshore wind farm will have a substation, which will collect the power generated by the turbines and transmit the electricity to the shore with the help of underwater cables.
US Wind expects the offshore wind farm to create more than 7,000 jobs during the development, construction and operating phases. The offshore wind farm is expected to deliver an in-state economic impact of $1.35bn.
In addition to Maryland, US Wind has offshore wind leases in the state of New Jersey.