Aurum Resources Limited (ACN 650 477 286) (ASX:AUE) (Company) is pleased to
announce that it has entered into a binding heads of agreement to acquire 100% of the
issued share capital of PlusOr Global Pty Ltd (ACN 670 031 268) (PlusOr) (the Acquisition).
PlusOr has rights pursuant to two separate agreements to earn an interest in exploration permits PR-0893 and PR-0808 comprising the Boundiali Gold Project, which is located within the very prospective Boundiali greenstone belt in Côte d’Ivoire. In addition, the Company will acquire assets held by PlusOr including two man-portable hydraulic diamond drilling rigs plus consumables for 10,000m diamond drilling needs. Summaries of the earn-in agreements are set out in the Schedule to this announcement.
Troy Flannery, Non-Executive Chairman commented, “AUE is extremely excited to have acquired 100% of PlusOr that has recently established an impressive foothold in the
Boundiali greenstone belt of Cote d’Ivoire. The PlusOr acquisition comes with Dr Caigen Wang (the founder and former Managing Director of Tietto Minerals Ltd), along with the ownership of two brand new diamond drill rigs currently drilling on PlusOr’s JV project within the exploration Permit PR-0893.