Agrimin Limited (ASX: AMN) (“Agrimin” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has awarded Primero Group (“Primero”), a subsidiary of NRW Holdings Limited, the Front End Engineering Design (“FEED”) contract for the process plant and associated non-process infrastructure for the Mackay Potash Project.
Primero was initially appointed in July 2019 on an Early Contractor Involvement basis to complete the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) engineering design for the process plant. Primero’s appointment for the DFS phase followed a competitive process, at that time, to select a contractor with suitable experience and capabilities to complete the engineering design as well as the subsequent design and construction of the process plant.
Given the successful completion of the DFS and the recent Independent Technical Review, Agrimin has now appointed Primero to commence the FEED phase. The FEED works will be undertaken with the support of Novopro Projects Inc. which will continue in its role as process consultant.
At the completion of the FEED works, Primero will deliver to Agrimin an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (“EPC”) contact, inclusive of performance guarantees, to support a Final Investment Decision.