The rigs were purchased and shipped from China in July 2018 and will be utilized for the targeted drill program in close proximity to the Company’s mine in Guerrero, Mexico.
The drilling units and accessories were subject to several unexpected delays in the customs clearing at the Port of Acapulco and the bonded and secured deliver service to the Company’s mine site location.
Over the next several weeks the drilling machinery and equipment will go through an evaluation and testing period conducted by an experienced mining engineer and drill operator.
It is essential for the timely completion of the planned drill program and for asset protection purposes to ensure that the equipment functions within normal parameters on a schedule of short duration test holes over a variety of terrain.
Subsequent to the various test hole trials and operating evaluations, the equipment will be deployed and engaged on the first target drill site for full operation.
Asia Broadband president and CEO James Gilbert said: “The whole Asia Metals team is extremely excited to finally have the drilling equipment on site and we are very close to commencing with the first phase of our extensive drill program plans for 2018 and 2019.”