Following a review of the well logs, the ATP 752 joint venture parties have decided to plug and abandon the well. The well encountered oil shows at multiple levels; however, no commercial pay was identified at this location. This exploration well is located 11 km to the southwest of the Cuisinier field, and is outside the Petroleum Lease 303 (PL 303).
The Chookola-1 well is also outside of mapped Murta pool Proved (1P), Proved plus Probable (“2P”) and Proved plus Probable plus Possible (3P) reserve areas in in the Cuisinier Field, as presented in the GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. independent reserve assessment and evaluation prepared with an effective date of March 31, 2018 and therefore is not expected to have any negative impact on the existing reserves booked for Cuisinier.
Details of upcoming development within the Cuisinier field will be announced in a subsequent update.
Bengal holds a 30.357% working interest in the Barta permit, ATP 752, the Cuisinier field and PL 303. The ATP 752 exploration permit and PL 303 are located within the Cooper Basin, Queensland, Australia.
Source: Company Press Release