With Bidgely’s industry-leading EV disaggregation patent serving as the foundation, the new EV Solution identifies territory-wide residential charging patterns and pinpoints homes with EVs for targeted product and service offerings that help utilities enhance customer engagement, manage the grid more effectively and generate new revenue.
“Beneficial electrification, and EVs in particular, presents utilities with a growing opportunity to create new revenue streams while at the same time satisfying mandates for reducing carbon emissions,” said Bidgely CEO Abhay Gupta. “Everyday new EVs are plugged into the home, and our EV Solution helps utilities get ahead of this trend in order to understand the impact of vehicle-to-grid integration for grid planning and load forecasting.”
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates anywhere between 125-220 million EVs will be on the road by 2030, and the vast majority of charging is happening at home. Bidgely’s EV Solution begins by detecting the unique EV load signature in the home and analyzing the charging patterns. Insights into home EV charging enables:
EV Load Research and Planning: Utilities can use EV charging patterns for better grid planning, defining new EV tariffs and managing load distribution and forecasting.
EV Customer Engagement: Through targeted customer engagement with EV owners, utilities can offer rebates on high speed charges or EV Time of Use plans that increase utility revenues and enables load balancing on the grid.
EV Controls: As automated management of EVs increases, utilities can target enrollment in managed charging and even manage EVs as a dispatchable load resource through a Bidgely EV controls partner.
Source: Company Press Release.