Drilling will focus on testing a number of geophysical anomalies interpreted to be related to near surface nickel, cobalt and copper (“Ni-Co-Cu”) mineralization. Drilling is expected to commence on August 20th and be completed by the end of September. Results are expected by the end of October.
Canegrass Exploration Program Highlights:
This initial drill program consists of a planned 2000 meters of drilling, which is predominantly focused on potential Ni-Co-Cu targets identified by airborne and ground based geophysics. At the same time, the Company plans to complete additional ground based electro-magnetic (“EM”) surveys over additional airborne targets identified by the recently updated airborne magnetic survey of the property. Follow up drilling may be warranted depending on results of the initial drill campaign and the ground based EM surveys.
“We are excited to commence drilling at the Canegrass Project, where historical exploration and drilling identified multiple near surface Ni-Co-Cu targets. Our initial program is focused on step out drilling at CG-02 and CG-039 testing the identified off-hole geophysical anomalies that we believe represent possible extensions to the historical Ni-Co-Cu results returned in 2014. We are also eager to drill the VTEM-06 and VTEM-08 anomalies where surface EM surveys have indicated anomalies with a similar geophysical signature to CG-02 and CG-039,” commented Alf Stewart, President of BlueBird. “The proposed drilling will also allow us to evaluate the subsurface extent of the vanadium, titanium and iron mineralization identified at the planned drill site.” Historical drilling at Canegrass returned anomalous Ni-Co-Cu values from two geophysical anomalies within the property footprint. Recent ground based surveys have identified strong electro-magnetic anomalies at the original drill targets and two additional targets.”
About Canegrass Project:
The 4200 Ha project contains a highly prospective geological setting, where historical exploration drilling intersected anomalous Ni-Co-Cu mineralization at two locations within the property footprint. Airborne VTEM TM identified 14 geophysical anomalies in 2013. Historical drilling in 2014 at two of the identified targets (CG-02 and CG-039), intersected anomalous Ni-Co-Cu mineralization in 9 of 10 holes completed. Downhole EM surveys identified off-hole anomalies that have been confirmed by recent surface EM surveys completed earlier this year. The Company’s initial drill program plans to target these off-hole anomalies at the CG-02 and CG-039 targets as well as testing strong, surface EM anomalies at targets VTEM 13-08 and VTEM 13-06.
Source: Company Press Release