Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi announced that the Governor in Council has approved £360m Manitoba-Minnesota transmission project, after reviewing reports from various institutions.

The Canada government has reviewed the reasons for decision report of the National Energy Board, along with report of the Crown Consultation and Accommodation.

National Energy Board recommended 28 conditions for the approval of project, and other report outlines the government’s extensive consultations with Indigenous groups impacted by the proposed project.

The government said it has responded to three suggestions made by the NEB in its report that included the creation of a terrestrial and cultural studies initiative to support Indigenous-led studies on issues related to the project.

Manitoba-Minnesota transmission project

The project is expected to include the Dorsey Interprovincial Power Line (IPL), a 213km power line with 500kv capacity, and modifications for two existing transmission lines.

IPL extends from northwest of Winnipeg to the State of Minnesota, and crosses the Canada-US border near Piney, Manitoba.

The Manitoba-Minnesota clean power project would enhance the competitiveness of electricity in Canadian market and supports 20% of construction contracts involving local suppliers, contracts with indigenous subcontractors, and creating good, middle-class jobs for Canadians.

In addition, the project is expected to strengthen relationship with the US through electricity exports. The project would reduce 3 million tonnes GHG emissions displacing from coal-fired generation and other sources of electricity.

Canadian Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi said: “Canadians understand that a clean, modern, and resilient electricity network helps fight climate change and transition to a lower carbon economy.

“The Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project achieves these goals while enhancing the competitiveness of our electricity market and creating good, middle class jobs.”

To ensure the safe construction and operation of the project, the government’s approval of Manitoba Hydro’s project is subject to 64 Manitoba licence conditions and 28 NEB conditions.