Clean TeQ Water Limited is pleased to announce it has established a 50/50 Joint Venture (“JV”) Future Element Opera�ons Pty Ltd (“Future Element JV”) with mine tailings management company Future Element Pty Ltd.
Commenting on the transaction, Clean TeQ’s CEO, Mr Peter Voigt, said “This is an exciting time for Clean TeQ as we look to leverage our technologies into market segments that are long term value accretive for our shareholders. The JV with Future Element combines years of technical innovation and development with highly credentialled and commercially orientated executives to deliver solutions to the mining industry for its most critical problems. We aim to transform the industry and lead with environmentally sound tailings rehabilitation while generating material cashflows from what were previously considered waste management liabilities.”
Mine tailings are the waste solids that remain a�er separa�ng the targeted minerals of a mining opera�on from the remaining uneconomic minerals. The global inventory of mine tailings is es�mated at 282 billion tonnes, with 16 billion tonnes of new mine tailings are being produced every year1, represen�ng a significant opportunity to use Clean TeQ technologies to convert liabili�es into valuable assets. The mining industry’s social licence to operate depends on environmentally sound tailings rehabilita�on. Our strategy is to raise environmental standards and reduce tailings management costs via sustainable metal produc�on and enhanced water management.
With the licensing of Clean TeQ’s proprietary ATA® and Clean-IX® technologies to the Future Element JV, we have established a business that can offer the mining industry a holis�c, end-to-end mine tailings rehabilita�on solu�on that:
transforms tailings into benign and/or valuable products via separa�on of solids and water to allow
solid materials to be rehabilitated or repurposed and water to be recycled or released;
unlocks tailings value, via recovery and mone�sa�on of metals and minerals, providing new profit streams and the ability to offset rehabilita�on costs and liabili�es; and
encompasses development, funding and opera�on using best-in-class tailings management by an experienced team with a track record in asset delivery.