Danish wind turbine-maker Vestas has secured an order to supply wind turbines for two wind farms in Vietnam totalling 64MW, from Huong Tan Wind Power and Tan Linh Wind Power.
The two wind farms will be located in the complex mountainous terrain in Quang Tri province. Vestas has agreed to supply, transport, install and commission 16 of its V150-4.2 MW wind turbines delivered in 4.0 MW operating mode for the wind farms.
The company claims to have helped the customer choose the right turbine model for the projects’ specific wind conditions to achieve the highest possible return on investment in the challenging sites.
For the orders, Vestas has also agreed to provide Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service for a period of 20 years. The service is expected to maximise energy generation at the two wind farms.
The two wind farms will be commissioned in the second quarter of next year
Vestas Asia Pacific president Clive Turton said: “Vestas is once again leading the market in Vietnam. We are very proud to partner with local developers Huong Tan Wind Power JSC and Tan Linh Wind Power JSC and look forward to working closely with them to support their growing ambition to develop more wind projects across Vietnam.
“At Vestas, partnership is at the cornerstone of everything we do. With our inhouse siting, logistics, and construction experts, we are able to work closely with all our customers to help them achieve their commercial objectives on all manner of sites around the Asia Pacific region.”
With these order, Vestas claims to have closed more than 160MW of deals in Vietnam this year.
Last month, Vestas secured an order to supply 16 of its V150-4.2 MW turbines in Vietnam. For the order, the company has agreed to provide customised tower solution, where in the hub height would reach 162m.
The wind farm will be located in the wetland area of the Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam and surrounded by aquaculture shrimp farms.