The offshore wind farm is located in the German Baltic Sea, about 19 km northeast of Cape Arkona (island of Rügen) on the edge of the 12 nautical miles zone within the territorial sea.
Once constructed and commissioned, the wind farm is expected to generate enough clean electricity to be supplied to about 290,000 German households.
Parkwind co-CEOs Eric Antoons and François Van Leeuw said: “We are delighted to take our first steps in the German offshore market, a pioneering country with a strong investment climate. We are looking forward combining our expertise with the experience of all relevant stakeholders in this market in making this project a success.
“After the acquisition of Oriel in 2017, this is our second step of many to come in growing Parkwind internationally. Together with Northwester 2, Parkwind has now established a development pipeline of 800MW and aiming for more.”
Since 2009, Parkwind has been investing, developing, building and operating offshore wind farms. Presently, the company operates 546MW wind farms in the Belgian North Sea, which were developed and constructed by it.
The company expects to reach financial close for the fourth Belgian project, Northwester 2 with 224MW. It will be fully operational in early 2020.
In October 2017, Parkwind had agreed to invest in the 330MW Oriel offshore Wind Farm, proposed to be developed in the North Irish Sea.
The offshore wind project, which will benefit from wind resource, shelter from high wave loads, favorable water depths and good seabed conditions, will generate sufficient green energy to meet the requirements of 250,000 Irish households.
The investment in the Oriel wind farm marked expansion of Parkwind’s footprint in the development, construction and operation of offshore wind facilities outside Belgium.