Doosan Enerbility (formerly Doosan Heavy Industries) has bagged a contract worth KRW1.6 trillion ($1.21bn) from Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) for constructing the turbine island at the 4.8GW El Dabaa nuclear power plant in Egypt.
According to the South Korean heavy industrial company, the El Dabaa project marks its first overseas construction contract for a nuclear power plant.
Doosan Enerbility will also be responsible for providing the main equipment which include the reactors and steam generators.
Doosan Enerbility plant EPC business group CEO Inwon Park said: “As this is our first nuclear power plant construction contract won overseas, it is significant for Doosan Enerbility in that we will now be able to boast of a nuclear new build track record in not only Korea, but in the global market as well.
“We will do our utmost to successfully complete this project, so that we may contribute to the government and KHNP’s efforts to win more global nuclear projects in the future.”
The El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant project was won by Rosatom subsidiary ASE in 2017 from the Egyptian Atomic Energy Agency (NPPA).
In August 2022, KHNP won a contract from ASE to build the turbine island of the nuclear power project. The construction of the first tower building is slated to begin in August 2023.
The first ever nuclear power project to be built in Egypt calls for the construction of four reactors, each of 1.2GW capacity, 300km to the northwest of the capital city of Cairo. The El Dabaa nuclear project, which is estimated to cost around $30bn, entered into the construction stage in July 2022.
Doosan Enerbility said that under the sub-contract from KHNP, it will construct a total of 82 buildings and structures. These include the turbine building, air conditioning and water treatment systems by 2029.