The village of Simris, located in the region of Scania in southern Sweden, is supplied 100 percent by locally produced renewable energy on an annual basis. This community microgrid showcases energy supply entirely by sun and wind.

The energy for approximately 150 households is being generated from wind turbines with installed capacity of 500 kilowatts (kW) and photovoltaic panels with 440 kW, and will now be supported by a CellCube energy storage system with 1,800 kWh usable energy capacity.

The CellCube system will serve to overcome renewable intermittency and act as a buffer between demand and supply of energy.

At Simris, the CellCube system is performing energy-centric, electricity storage functions of providing continuous energy out of solar and wind for energy delivery.  This is a natural fit for its vanadium redox flow batteries where long duration, reliable base load support is required. Enerox’s CellCube vanadium redox flow battery will be the backbone storage technology within the Simris project.

E.ON Decentral Energy Systems / Energy Networks innovation manager Demijan Panic said: “The Simris project has been a success story for E.ON where we have successfully proved that a local energy system is a technically viable alternative to the large-scale power system in providing clean, renewable energy to our customers.

“We are now taking it one step further by increasing the energy storage capacity of the local energy system through a CellCube storage system, thus making sure we can utilize even more of the renewable energy produced on site.  We are very happy with our collaboration with Enerox during this part of the project.”

CellCube president Stefan Schauss said: “The installation slated for Fall of this year marks CellCube’s first project in Sweden and is seen as an important step for supporting future grid scale and decentralized storage system additions in the Scandinavian electricity markets.

“We are pleased with E.ON Innovation’s decision to select our largest energy capacity CellCube unit for this pioneering project. The move reflects our Company’s vision to build an integral part of modern energy infrastructure solutions. The Simris project demonstrates how distributed renewable energy combined with energy storage can support quality power for distribution.”

The companies entered into an agreement for the sale of the CellCube flow battery system and its associated services, including the logistics, installation, control integration, and ongoing operational maintenance and services of the CellCube energy storage system.

Source: Company Press Release