Eland Oil & Gas, an independent oil and gas production and development company, has achieved the first production from Gbetiokun oilfield, through the early production facility (EPF) at licence OML 40.
The OML 40 licence is estimated to have gross 2P reserves of 82.2 million barrels, and gross 2C contingent resources of 50.7 million barrels and a best estimate of 252.1 million barrels of gross un-risked prospective resources.
Eland brought Gbetiokun field online after mobilisation of EPF
Eland said that the field has been brought online following the mobilisation of the EPF to the Gbetiokun field and completion of all pre-commissioning checks throughout the month of July 2019.
According to the company, the initial gross production is in line with its expectations and would reach approximately 12,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the Gbetiokun-1 and Gbetiokun-3 wells.
The EPF is designed to process all the reservoir fluids produced under the initial phase of the Gbetiokun development.
The facility holds a nominal capacity of 22,000bopd and shuttle tankers are deployed to evacuate the processed crude from Gbetiokun to the injection point on the main OML 40 export pipeline.
In addition, the facility allows for production from the additional Gbetiokun development wells planned to be drilled in 2019.
Eland said that the Gbetiokun facilities and process were designed in a modular fashion, facilitating the evacuation of increased levels of production over the coming 12 to 18 months beyond 22,000bopd.
Eland CEO George Maxwell said: “We are delighted to reach first oil from the Gbetiokun field. The team has worked hard, and I am proud we have delivered significant production from a second oil field within OML 40, marking a significant expansion and de-risking of our production base.
“Gbetiokun will deliver additional cash flow for Eland and we are excited for the development of the licence going forward, with the further infill drilling on Gbetiokun and Opuama and the near-field exploration of Amobe prospect in 2019.”